Saturday 22 May 2010

Still Alive

Some news, on a variety of topics. First, sorry for the lapse in posting, it's been a hectic effing week, but normal service will return soon, hopefully tomorrow. Ok, so the competition, I've had some suggestions, but it's anything but over yet, so keep at it.

More interesting news; as you've noticed, the first model was completed a little while ago, since then I've been working on some bases to experiment with casting, as well as reading guides, and I've finally bit the bullet and bought some silicone and resin to attempt making the first models. The stuff's in the post office at the moment, but come monday, I will hopefully have something cast to show all of you [all is still optimistic I feel]. The something might well be a base, as I've not sprung for a razor saw yet. [I sense a trip to Wickes in my future]. I can't help but wonder if other people who've attempted this kind of thing went into it with a better idea of what they were doing, and an appropriate selection of tools. So yeah, tired now, maybe rambling.

Also, work on the next models is underway, I'm wondering what I can call stuff that wonlt get me lawyered at some point down the line, but for now, eff it. I started sculpting the upper layers on the treeman, but I hated it, so that's getting reworked significantly, there'll be photos as soon as I make a bit of progress on version two. The second treekin-like model is under way too, this one'll be a bit spindlier, and probably more warped. In general, watch this space, photos of the limited progress should be up tomorrow.


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