Monday, 17 May 2010

The Competition.

I guess I'd better actually lay down some proper rules for this I suppose, I've been banging on about it in every post, but never really given deadlines or submission guidelines, so here goeth.

1) The name's got to be generic enough, so it makes sense when I start producing non ent-ey stuff, so try to keep away from anything too close to that topic. If you've got a really good one that is based around that, tell me anyway, I'm not going to be too rigid on this.

2) This isn't going to be based on any kind of impartial draw system, I've got to live with whatever the company ends up being called, so my favourite name will win, if you think your entry was better than the one I chose, sorry, it's my call, there's no voting, no recounts, this isn't a democracy.

3) The big one; I have to like the name better than '6ix Miniatures', not too hard, but it's the best idea I've had so far, so you have to top it.

4) Even if I don't get an entry I prefer to my own idea, I'll still give the prize to the best idea submitted, so you still get a free model [It's pretty big too, I should put up a scale shot soon, but it looks suitably at home on a 40mm square base.] and a copy of the concept art.

5) These aren't in any real order, so this one should have probably gone higher up, but entries should be posted in a comment on any post in the blog, or sent in an email to me at [I'll get an official address once I get a name] with something relevant in the subject line, so I don't think it's spam, try '6ix Miniatures' if you can't think of something.

6) There isn't a deadline yet, I'm kind of playing it by ear, but probably around a month from today.

7) Oh, try to keep it clean, my other option is 'Fuck the Unicorn Miniatures', which is being rejected because I don't want trouble trying to sell on ebay, advertise on forums, tell my elderly relatives, etc.

I think that's it, maybe I'll add more in as the become relevant.



  1. Well, let me be the first to enter my suggestion in your comments.
    I'm going to suggest "Forbidden Art Miniatures". I don't think I need to explain why I think the name relates to the models you're making...
    Good luck with all your sculpts.

    -Bert, from Kaotica Forums

  2. 13 Standards

    1. catchy
    2. ambiguous
    3. doesnt involve the word miniatures
    4. war related
    5. 13 is mystical (Oooo!)
    6. would be only one on cool mini with a number at the start, would draw attention.
